Wednesday, September 15, 2010


For those who know what mX is, you might be like me and flip to the back pages of the newspaper to the 'Overheard' section. It's quite good for a laugh!

Examples from mX, 13 September 2010.

Boy 1: "What is dyslexia?"
Boy 2: "Dyslexia is a severe form of dementia"


Girl 1: "Oh no, I've spilt tomato sauce on my shirt."
Girl 2: "You better wash it with wet water"
Girl 1: "Wet water? Yeah, I've tried dry water and it never works"

Others include:

Girl 1: "He's so weird"
Girl 2: "Maybe he has ACDC or something"

Boy: "It was so cold, and I was wearing only a T-shirt and a thong"
Girl: "A thong?"
Boy: "Oh wait, no, thongs! I swear I said thongs"